And then the masked lady leads me into a room. It's tiny - one chair, a black window, and intertwined cables. She seats me in the chair and puts a blindfold and what appears to be -and turns out to be- a motorcycle helmet. However, the motorcycle helmet has attachments. More wires, probes, and a decal. A sphere containing the words: "GOD=BRAIN." So I settle in. The lights go off and I hear a calm female voice singing:
"Relax. Try to relax. Relax. You're tired."
The voice continues for several minutes, and gradually, very gradually, becomes more melodic and faint.
Eventually I fall into a trance with pulsing violet light.
But then it starts. What feels like a thousand tiny pebbles shoot up my spine. My thighs spasm and I tense. I'm blind now. I feel a light radiate from my sternum. But I can hear. I hear a violet sound, and it melts. Into golden brown. An old corn husk. What's there? Stop!
But I'm paralyzed and can't see. But I know they're there. My dead aunt grins wide to show me her teeth.